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Sore throat: how to help yourself at home

Pain in the throat - the manifestation is much wider. This could be due to various reasons. Sometimes it’s possible to get through the wind without any special treatment. However, treatment is often required to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

How can you relieve a sore throat in your home? Zzvichy - yes! Therapist Anastasia Koval shared effective ways from ICTV Facts.

– A sore throat is one of the most common problems you can experience in a doctor’s office. Your throat may be sore, sore, or dry. But no matter what the symptoms were, it is not easy to endure the discomfort, - the fakhivchinya is reconverted.

Why does my throat hurt?

Searching for ways to relieve a sore throat, people will never stop thinking about it, but what the hell did they cry out for? I want to see someone directly to rejoice.

The most common reasons:

Viral and bacterial infections. The likelihood of your throat hurting due to a virus is over 90%. The most common unpleasant symptoms include: flu, colds, coronavirus, cancer, mononucleosis, chickenpox, etc.

Allergy. If you have a sore throat, a congestion in your nose, you are coughing heavily, your eyes are watery, there is no body aches and you have an elevated temperature, you are probably suffering from allergies.

Problems with etching. Unpleasant sounds in the throat can lead to vulgaris, spasms, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERH), etc.

Injury. For example, you lived through this hot and hot food, or the brush from the fish or meat damaged the fabric.

Throat cancer. In this case, a sore throat is accompanied by other symptoms: bleeding in the throat, difficulty breathing and walking, the appearance of swelling in the neck.

It happens that your throat hurts due to external stimuli: frosty wind outside, smoke, too dry wind, sprague. To feel better about yourself, you need to put the teaser on.

Three ways to relieve pain at home

Do you immediately need to run to the doctor to deal with discomfort in your throat? This, of course, is right for you. If it's not too intense, try putting it on your own.

“The first thing you need to work on is a unique selection of ingredients, such as hot and sour hedgehogs, cigarette smoke, inhalation of toxic vapors, etc.,” Anastasia Koval said. Three effective ways to relieve a sore throat:

Drink plenty of liquid. Warm non-

carbonated drinks will help you: water, milk, tea, soup, herbal infusions. It’s not your fault to be too hot, because this will make the situation even worse.

Look for special ice packs. This, of course, is not the face, but the pride of the stench calls for relief.

Get it right. First of all, the hedgehog bears cinnamon. In a different way - softly, so as not to further injure your sick throat. If you are not allergic to honey, introduce it into your diet when you are sick.

You need to gargle your sore throat

- Will gargling help? Shvidshe no, no way. Even though we have a dry mechanism, if the tongue moves up and blocks the passage of the throat, then with rinsing we can simply remove the tonsils and even three parts of the back wall of the pharynx, explains the doctor.

Ale and skoda do not bring a gargle for a sore throat. Before this, this procedure will relieve symptoms. How often do you need to do this? Apply the medicine 5-8 times a day.

The simplest recipes for rinsing:

A bottle of warm water + 1 teaspoon each of salt and soda + 3 drops of iodine. Mix everything thoroughly until the components are separated.

1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dried chamomile leaves into a bottle of dill. Insist 30 hvilin. Then strain, cool until the ice is warm. Chamomile flowers can be replaced with calendula.

Dissolve Eucalyptus oil (4-5 drops) in a bottle of warm water. Olya can be replaced with dry eucalyptus leaves: steam 1 teaspoon of leaves in a bottle of dill.

If you have rejoiced for many days, and the pain in your throat is too strong, it’s important to go to the doctor. After examining and analyzing the symptoms, it is necessary to prescribe you a course of antibiotics as well as other diseases depending on the diagnosis.

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