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Birthday Galileo Galilei Father of Meteorology!… who proved that all the planets revolve around the Sun!

Today is the birthday of Galileo Galilei, the father of meteorology who proved with evidence that the Earth revolves around itself and the Sun. Galileo Galilei was born on February 15, 1564 in Italy. Galileo was initially interested in mathematics. Later that interest shifted to astronomical researches. As a result, he carried out researches related to astronomy very intensively.

In 1609, he developed a telescope used for astronomical studies. Galileo, who determined the different dimensions of silver with an improved elementary telescope, was instrumental in researching the sunspot and adjusting the telescope.

On January 7, 1610, he discovered three stars near Jupiter and discovered that they were not fixed. As one of them disappeared in January, he predicted that it must be behind Jupiter and confirmed that all three must be moons. On the 13th of the same month he discovered the moon of the fourth Jupiter. Later astronomers referred to these four phases as the Galilean moons. These moons are now known as Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callichtho.

His research on falling objects while standing on the Leaning Tower of Pisa changed the famous researcher Aristotle's claim. Aristotle said that if heavy and weightless objects fall at the same time, the heavier object falls first. But Galileo made objects of different masses fall from the top of a leaning tower and said that the time of fall and its mass are not related.

In 1616, he was the one who brought to light the fact that all the planets, including the Earth, revolve around the Sun. During his lifetime all fields of science were intertwined with religion. The belief that the world is stable and immovable according to the Bible was deeply different. Therefore the researches presented by many researchers including Aristotle against this were not accepted. But it was Galileo's invention of the telescope that put an end to these confusions; Accordingly he advocated Suriyamiyakotpada.

Therefore, the Catholic Church placed him under house arrest from 1633 until his death, claiming that he had committed an act against Christianity. During his imprisonment he wrote experiments on the motion of objects. It later became a source of scientific development. He died in 1642 due to heart problems. Various names like Father of Modern Science, Father of Modern Physics, Father of Modern Astronomy were named in his honour.

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